Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

EYFS Water Walk

In June the whole of EYFS walked around the school playground with buckets of water to try and appreciate what it is like for children the same age, who live in other parts of the world, who have to do this on a daily basis in order to have water. All of the children were keen to complete as many laps as they could and Reception children completed 248 laps in total. Some children even wanted to try and carry their buckets on their heads for a short time to copy what they had seen in a short video.
Back in class, we shared out all the loose change, which had been donated, and the children added this to a tap template to remind us how lucky we are to have access to taps and clean water. Reception children then helped me to sort and count the money using our recent skills of counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Thank you for sending in buckets and loose change. We raised £30 which I will sending off to Water Aid
