Welcome to Falcon Class!
The children of Year 2 will be taught by both Mrs. Watson (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Mr. Beresford (Wednesday afternoon through to close play Friday) with teaching assistant support provided by Mrs. Kelvey.
Regular updates on class activities can be found via the Class Dojo where you can also get in touch with staff and share activities from home too.
Our Curriculum
The documnet below outlines the curriculum coverage for Year 2, some of which is still under review and subject to further development.
Visits & Visitors
This year Mrs. Watson and Mr. Beresford are planning on taking the hard working children of Falcon class to the National Space Centre in Leicester. No date has been set for this as yet but this will take place during the summer term. Details will be confirmed via Dojo in due course.
You can read more about Conkers here - https://www.spacecentre.co.uk/
We Are Reading
This year we will be reading many different books, some (but not all) of which are listed below...
Mr. Beresford & Mrs. Watson's Recomended Reads