Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

Governing Body Members

Meet the Governing Body of Kimberley Primary School


Below you will find a full list of our current governing body members, with details of their term of office, committees/working groups on which they serve and the link governor responsibilities they have been allocated.  Each governor has a monitoring role  linked to the areas of school improvement identified in the school's 2024/25 development plan. Governors have been recruited and allocated roles on the basis of their skills, knowledge and experience.


Contacting the Governors


If you would like to make contact with a member of the Governing Body, you can leave a message at the school office and we will get back to you.  



Amrita Rungapadiachy (Chair)

Governor category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: The Governing Body

Date joined Governing Body: 2020

Current term of office: 16/10/2020 - 15/10/2024

Register of business interests: Treasurer @ 2nd Kimberley Scout Group

Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles:  Health & Safety, Pay Committee, Outcomes and Targets, Buildings.


I joined the governing body in 2020 as a parent governor, the same year my eldest entered reception year. My youngest joined reception in the 21/22 school year so at this critical time in their development I wanted to be able to provide whatever support I could to Kimberley Primary, as I know these early school years are so important in every child’s life. I am excited to play a part in improving the outcomes of every child as well as the staff at the school.

From the pandemic, through new leadership, to an Ofsted inspection, I have watched the staff at KPS adapt and adjust, sometimes at the drop of a hat, in order to provide the best possible support for pupils. This commitment is something I continue to very much want to support with, in any way I can.


Laura Dennis

Governor Category: Community Governor

Appointed by: Local Governing Body

Date joined Governing Body: 09/11/2022

Current term of office: 09/11/2022 - 10/11/2026

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link Roles: Admissions & Attendance; Exclusions & Behaviour;  SEND/LAC/PP


I joined the governing body in November 2022 as a community governor, and I feel deeply blessed to have been appointed as a member of the committee. My child currently attends nursery at Kimberley Primary School, and from what I have observed and experienced personally, staff do a tremendous job in meeting the needs of every child. Equally, I feel obligated to contribute to Kimberley Primary School by supporting staff with the aim of achieving goals, not only to ensure that high standards are maintained to support pupils’ learning within the school, but to thrive all-round as one of the best schools within the community and the wider community.


My academic background is embedded within sociology and social policy; I hold a BA in Sociology and Social policy and an MA in International Social Policy from the University of Nottingham. I value education highly; therefore, I feel honoured to be able to utilise and apply my extensive research and knowledge gained throughout my studies to my role as a school governor. I am extremely driven and enthusiastic in collaborating with my fellow members of the board, in sharing my ideas of ways to improve the qualities of the school and education, in the best interests of pupils.


I have been assigned the responsibility to monitor key areas within the school, comprising Admissions and Attendance; Exclusions and Behaviour; Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND); Looked After Children (LAC); and Pupil Premium (PP). I consider these areas to be highly important; therefore, these require regular monitoring in order to maintain high standards within the school, which advantageously contribute to pupils’ learning, development and achievement. Furthermore, I am proud of Kimberley Primary School achieving its “Good” rating from Ofsted, and I feel honoured to participate in maintaining this level of success. Education is a fundamental aspect to children’s lives, so it is imperative that every child has the privilege of gaining an excellent standard of education to prepare them for future aspirations. It is within my sincere interests of working with staff to ensure that pupils’ performance and achievement are met; therefore, I am passionate and determined to fulfil my role as a school governor to uphold the standards for Kimberley Primary School.


Jon Beresford (Teacher)

Governor category: Staff Governor

Appointed by: Elected by school  staff

Date joined Governing Body: 2022

Current term of office: 23/03/2022 - 23/03/2026

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: 

Relationship with staff/other governors: none




Nick Cobb

Governor category: Community  Governor

Appointed by: The Governing Body

Date joined Governing Body: 2018

Current term of office: 17/01/2022 - 16/01/2026

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles:  GDPR, Safeguarding, Complaints, HT Appraisal



Samuel Boneham

Governor category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parents

Date joined Governing Body: 2021

Current term of office: 14.6.2021 - 13.6.2025

Register of business interests: Kimberley Town Council & Nugget magazine (pecuniary)
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles:  Quality of Provision, Pay Committee, Staff Appraisal 

I was elected as a parent governor in June 2021 for which I am truly honoured. I have three children who all attend Kimberley Primary School and being thoroughly impressed with the way all the staff have handled the situation arisen from the pandemic, I wanted to join the Governing body to support the staff, pupils and the school in general in any way possible. Having a keen interest in local politics and community matters, I hope my skills, knowledge and connections can be of use to further improve the brilliant school standards and its development.


Jodie Conway

Governor category: Community  Governor

Appointed by: The Governing Body

Date joined Governing Body: 2023

Current term of office: 05/07/2023 - 04/07/2027

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles: Finance (Pupil Premium &  Sports premium), Curriculum

I applied to be a community governor and joined the Local Governing Body in July 2023. I have previously worked for EMET and knew how special the trust and its academies were and wanted to continue supporting them. My background is in human resources. I currently work in the education sector as an HR Business Partner for a large multi academy trust. I have worked in education for the last 5 years. I am passionate about education ensuring the next generation get the very best. I am privileged to be supporting Rebecca, her senior leadership team and the other members of the local governing body who are truly dedicated to the pupils at KPS.


Mark Sandiford

Governor category: Community Governor

Appointed by: The Governing Body

Date joined Governing Body: 2024

Current term of office: 15.10.2024 - 16.01.2028

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles: Health & Safety

I was appointed by the Governing body in spring 2024. I have no children that attend the school, however was made aware by acquaintances of the fantastic work being delivered by the school’s leadership team. My background is in retail management and there are notable similarities in the challenges faced across both retail and education. An opportunity arose to join the Governing body and to contribute towards the setting of the school’s aims and objectives and how the school will develop and improve. I look forward to supporting the school’s senior leadership team to ensure they can secure the best possible outcomes for the children attending KPS.


Hannah Chamberlain

Governor category: Parent Governor

Appointed by: Parents

Date joined Governing Body: 2024

Current term of office: 16.10.2024 - 15.10.2028

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Link roles: Health & Safety

I wanted to be considered for the role of parent governor in the hope that I could pay a little back to a school that has quite honestly blown me away in my son's first year! The nurture and care that is so clearly right at the heart of everything Kimberley Primary does is so admirable and I wanted to contribute, even if only in a small way!

I have been a teacher for 13 years working in all key stages at some point and being EYFS leader for a number of years. I am currently a Year 5 teacher, specialising in RE and shadowing the SENCO. I was music lead for 10 years and took the whole school singing, which is a passion of mine. I love to "get my hands dirty" and would absolutely help wherever I can within the school. At home, I am half way through a Level 2 qualification in "Early Years Neuroscience and Self Regulation" as children's mental health is an absolute top priority for me. I love to keep my knowledge of all things education up to date and will always be willing to do so to be as helpful to Kimberley Primary as I can.



Rebecca Clarke

Governor category: Headteacher

Appointed by: Automatic appointment on taking up role as Headteacher

Date joined Governing Body: January 2023

Register of business interests: none
Governance positions held at other educational establishments: none

Relationship with staff/other governors: none

Current term of office: The Headteacher is a permanent member of the Governing Body


