Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

Governor Promise

As governors, we help set the vision and values of the school and work in partnership with staff, parents and children to create the right conditions for learning, thus enabling our children to reach their personal goals.  We know our role in helping our children to 'Go On And Learn' and we have set out our commitments below


As governors we will...


- Make sure the school's vision and values are evident in every aspect of school life;


- Make sure the school fulfills its statutory duties;


- Attend governor meetings and make informed decisions in the best interests of the school;


- Actively gather information about the school by looking at data on the progress of our children,
  visiting school to see it in action and seeking the views of parents, children and staff.


- Support the Head Teacher and all staff in providing the best education for our children,
  at the same time as holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of our children;


- Be proactive and bold in driving forward school improvement;


- Oversee the finances of the school and make sure that the money is well spent;


- Be open and transparent in our work.


These commitments form part of the education partnership agreement 


Governors have also signed the Kimberley Primary School Governor Code of Conduct below:
