The dinners that are served are all freshly cooked on the premises and they are of an excellent standard. The children are able to choose from a wide variety of main courses and desserts over a three week period. The menus change every term. The current menu our school cook is following is below.
Pupil Medical Diets/Food Allergies
We are a peanut & nut free school.
If your child has special dietary requirements (allergies etc), please complete the Pupil Dietary/Food Allergy Request form and return to school together with an accompanying letter from your GP. On receipt of these documents you will be required to attend a meeting with our school chef to discuss your child's needs.
School Dinner Costs
The cost of a school dinner is:
£2.75 per day or £13.75 for a full week
We now use an online payment system for our school meals. If you have not already registered an account with ParentPay, please request a Registration Letter from the school office.
Your child's ParentPay account must be in credit before a lunch is ordered. There is no overdraft facility on the account.
If you think your family will be eligible for free school meals, please ensure you have completed the necessary application to ensure that this can be put in place as quickly as possible.
Menus for the next half of the year are below.
Since September 2014 all our children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have received free school meals under the Universal Free School Meals scheme.
If you are entitled to claim free school meals on financial grounds (due to receiving certain qualifying benefits) we would urge to to apply even if your child young enough to benefit from the universal infant free school meal scheme. This is because it has a direct impact on funding available to the school to support your child's learning.
There is additional 'pupil premium funding' paid to the school and this is calculated by looking at a number of factors, including the number of children who are eligible to receive free school meals on financial grounds.
You can register for free school meals using a simple online form.
Further information about free school meals can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.
Further information about school meals can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.