Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

Orangutan (Y5)

My name is Mrs Wilde and I am the class teacher for Year 5.

My other roles include the KS2 leader, English lead and the mentor for trainee teachers. I have been teaching for over 23 years - which seems incredible as I don't feel old enough for that many years in the profession! 

Miss.Gittins and Mrs.Watson will also be working with us this year and we are all excited for the year ahead. I know Orangutan Class will work really hard to reach their goals. 



Miss.Gittins also works with Year 5 throughout the week.

Why Orangutan Class?

This year we've chosen to name our classes after endangered animals. This fits with our continued work being a Rights Respecting School, where we not only strive to improve the rights within our school and community, but also the wider world. 

Regular updates on class activities can be found via the Class Dojo where you can also get in touch with staff and share activities from home too. 

We are reading......


To end Y5, we are reading a book to prepare us for our study of WW2 in Y6. It is a historical story, set in the time of world war two and is a heartbreaking yet heart warming story about two boys who form a unique friendship. We are reading the powerful classic novel called 'The boy in striped pyjamas' 





Last half term, our class read was - 'The light in everything' by Katya Balen, which is a glowing story of love, trust and families. 






One of our previous our class reads was  - 'Call me Lion' by Camilla Chester and we were extremely fortunate to meet the author when she visited our school to work with us. 


