Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

Turtle Class (Y6)


Welcome to Turtle Class


My name is Mrs.Barnes and I am the class teacher for Year 6.


Mrs.Smith and Miss.Gittins also work in our class to support the children in preparing for their SATS. 


I am really looking forward to the year ahead and I know Turtle Class will work really hard to reach their goals and also fully embrace the wider curriculum.






Why Turtle class?

All our classes in school are named after different endangered species. 

Y6 are turtles.


Here are some of things the children found out about sea turtles on our transition days:

- They always look like they are crying because of the tear ducks they have to protect their eyes from salt water.

- Marine turtles are often called "ancient warriors of the sea"

- Turtles have no teeth

- Turtles eat jellyfish

- Turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world, dating back to the time of the dinosaurs

- Turtles have different shells depending on their diet


The document below outlines the curriculum coverage for Year 6, some of which is still under review and subject to further development.

Y6 Curriculum overview

Class Read

To support our learning in History, in half term 1, we read the powerful novel - 'The boy in striped pyjamas' - a poignant and heart-wrenching story about a young boy named Bruno who befriends a boy on the other side of a concentration camp fence during World War II. 


Half term 2 - class read 


Our new class read is - 'Varjack Paw'. 


Varjak is a Mesopotamian Blue, an exotic and ancient breed descended from the legendary adventurer and hunter, Jalal. As Varjak listens to his grandfather recount the mesmerizing tales of Jalal, the fabled ancestor begins to visit him in his dreams, inspiring the young kitten with his tales of bravery and daring.

