Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

KPS Club

KPS Club - We make play the foundation for learning.

KPS Club


Our breakfast and after-school club provision is run by Mrs Howarth and Miss Phimister( Play Leaders) and Miss Clarke (Playworker).


This is a provision offered following requests from parents who wanted to use a child-care facility that supported the home/school transition and was open at times to suit their working lives.  There will be a variety of activities which promote communication, imaginative play, co-operative play, art and design, strategy through games and outside activity using our newly developed playground.


We are able to accept  Parentpay or childcare vouchers in payment for places and we operate a booking system - both ad-hoc and in advance.


All places must be paid for prior to your child attending the session.


Terrible traffic? Got to work late? Dr's appointment? Can't get back to pick up the kids? KPS Club can now offer you some peace of mind with our after-school early pick up, 3.15-4pm for only £3.50 per pupil.


 We will collect your child/children from class and they can play until you arrive. If you require this service please contact the office and they will inform the KPS Club Play Team. All payments must be made via Parentpay.


Contact Information

You can contact the KPS Club Play Leaders directly on:



What we offer:


  • A breakfast, if required, served between 7.30 - 8.00am
  • Consistent care from 7.15 am through to 6.00 pm
  • A variety of stimulating activities and games throughout both sessions
  • An opportunity for children to play with their friends before and after school
  • A calm environment for the children to begin their school day
  • A clear communication system between home and school


Operating Times and Prices

Breakfast Club

Opening Times:  7.15 am - 8.45 am


£4.50 per session (no breakfast)

£5.50 per session (with breakfast)

Early bird collection by 4pm       £3.50 per session

After-School Club

Opening Times:  3.15 am - 6 pm

Prices:               £8.50 per session (includes a light tea/snack)


Late pick ups will be charged at a rate of £5 per 15 minute block.
