Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School


PSHE and RSE Curriculum Statement


  1. Aims and objectives

PSHE and Sex and Relationships Education within our school aims to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become active and informed citizens. Information will be delivered in an accepting and honest way, which enables young people to contribute, and as deemed age-appropriate. Parents will be fully informed of policy and practice.

The sex education and relationship programme is an opportunity for pupils to:

•         Develop an understanding of sex, sexuality and relationships.

•         Develop a range of appropriate personal skills.


The aims will be achieved through developing an understanding of:


Attitudes and values

•         To consider social and moral issues and dilemmas

•         To value and respect different types of relationships

•         To foster respect and responsibility for oneself/my body and for others

•         To clarify myths and misconceptions

•         To address stereotyping


Personal and social skills

  • To acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop successful relationships
  • To encourage self-awareness and an understanding of how their actions affect others
  • To develop decision making skills, including critical thinking, awareness of choices and how to act on decisions made
  • To develop communication skills with peers, parents and other adults


Knowledge and understanding

  • To provide appropriate information that is relevant to the needs, age and maturity of the pupils
  • To be able to recognise, acknowledge and positively deal with emotions
  • To understand the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty


Organisation of the PSHE programme, PSHE Matters  

PSHE Matters develops fully-rounded children who are healthy, sociable and emotionally literate. It covers key concepts and skills to help you fulfil schools statutory responsibility to support pupils’ SMSC (moral, social and cultural) education, focusing on Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

Naturally, British Values are at the heart of PSHE Matters.  PSHE Matters prepares children for life in modern Britain today.  It also helps pupils develop and apply skills and attitudes to allow them to become full and active citizens in our wider global community.

Coverage across the school phases:




Organisation of the SRE programme

The majority of the lessons will be delivered through the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, with statutory aspects taught via the science curriculum. This will ensure that it covers the statutory biological aspects, but also the social and emotional aspects. It is taught throughout the years, either as discrete topics/units or integrated into other topics, at a level appropriate to the needs and maturity of the pupils. As a group of main stream schools we have a duty to ensure that children with special educational needs and learning difficulties are properly included in sex and relationships education. Where necessary, the curriculum will be differentiated so that learning and teaching is appropriate. The delivery of the sex and relationships curriculum for the children will always be adjustable and flexible so that it is culturally appropriate and inclusive for all pupils.

At key stage 1 and key stage 2, the topics are broken down into specific areas that will be taught appropriate to pupils’ ages. Elements of the topics for key stage 1 and 2 are statutory in accordance with the science national curriculum.  Kimberley Primary School are using the PSHE Matters scheme.



In EYFS pupils are taught about:


•         Family Relationships and Family dynamics

•         Changes that have occurred in them since birth

•         Recognising and understanding their own emotions and other peoples


These areas are found within the PSED, People and Communities and The world strands of the EYFS curriculum.


Key stage 1


Pupils in KS1 are taught:

•         Changes to their bodies.

•         Biological names for various body parts

•         To match the correct body parts to a male and female.

•         The function of clothing and keeping certain parts of our bodies private.

•         About the process of aging.


These themes are taught through the following topics:

•         Keeping clean

•         Growing and changing

•         Differences: Boys and girls

•         Differences: male and female

•         Naming body parts


Key stage 2


Pupils in KS2 are taught:

•         About reproduction.

•         About the word “puberty”.

•         About the importance of hygiene.

•         About stereotypical ideas regarding parenting and family roles.

•         About the importance of relationships.

•         How girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty.

•         Strategies for the development of positive self-image and self-esteem.

•         That babies are made during sexual intercourse.

•         About the changes which relate to puberty such as menstruation and voice



These themes are taught through the following topics:

•         Differences: male and female

•         Personal space

•         Family differences

•         Growing and changing

•         What is puberty?

•         Puberty changes and reproduction

•         Talking about puberty

•         Male and female changes

•         Puberty and hygiene

•         Puberty and reproduction

•         Understanding relationships

•         Conception and pregnancy

•         Communication in relationships


At Kimberley Primary School, the above is taught through the PSHE Matters Programme.


