Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School


What is the EYFS?

Children in Reception follow the curriculum designed for all 3 to 5 year olds – The Foundation Stage Curriculum. It is organised into Prime and Specific areas.


The Prime Areas are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and language
  • Physical development


The Specific Areas are:

  •  Literacy
  •  Mathematics
  •  Understanding of the world
  •  Expressive Arts and Design

Curriculum intent

At KPS we follow the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and use the non-statutory Development Matters to support children achieving the Early Learning Goals (ELG’s) by the end of F2.

We deliver a curriculum that incorporates our school’s personal drivers of Creativity, Possibilities and Diversity. We also incorporate ‘Cultural Capital’ wherever possible to prepare children with the knowledge and skills for what comes next in their education. Similarly, British Values is encompassed within our day-to-day activities to prepare the children to be model citizens, celebrating the diversity of the UK.


Curriculum implementation

At KPS we incorporate a range of pedagogies to deliver our curriculum such as whole class teaching, small group/guided work, 1 to 1 interventions and free flow time where children can access both inside and outside provision.

We have developed a progressive Long Term Curriculum Plan covering all seven areas whereby learning is sequential, and knowledge and skills are built on term on term. Over the year, children take part in six half-termly topics based around cross-curricular topics which are supported with good quality storybooks or age-appropriate non– fiction texts. Vocabulary is developed across all areas.

Within the unit, we promote active learning through play, across all seven areas of development. The environment gives the children opportunities to help them develop socially, emotionally, physically, morally, and intellectually.



All children access a balanced and challenging curriculum regardless of background, needs and abilities. Children make expected progress from their individual starting points thanks to a broad curriculum which meets the needs of every child. Children show high levels of engagement and motivation which supports them to become life-long learners. Children develop strong, positive relationships with the adults in school. Parental engagement in their children's learning is good.






EYFS Policy & long term plan

Information for new parents

Curriculum overviews and Newsletters



Supporting websites
