Pupils’ behaviour and conduct around the school are good. Adults and pupils have positive relationships. The school values of ‘kind, prepared and safe’ are followed by all.
The behaviour of pupils is good. Leaders have reviewed recently the school’s behaviour policy. Pupils who spoke with inspectors said that they enjoyed receiving the many rewards on offer. These include ‘hot chocolate Friday’, feeding the school’s pet snake and being able to choose an activity as a class reward. Pupils like the opportunity to choose an activity from a ‘menu’, such as a visit to the park or a craft afternoon. Pupils enjoy making responsible choices about their rewards.
Our School Rules
Within our positive philosophy we have three essential school rules which are used by all members of the school community.
Our Aims
Whole School Rewards
We recognise and reward learners who go ‘over and above’ our standards.
The Role of the Adult
Our Philosophy
The development of good relationships between staff and students is essential and we recognise the importance the role and approach of the adult takes in ensuring a positive approach to behaviour management.
All staff should
Reminder - delivered privately. Reminder of expectations ‘Kind, Prepared, Safe’. Repeat reminders if necessary.
Caution – clear verbal caution. Remember PIP and RIP. Follow scripted approach on lanyards. Reminder of consequences if behaviour continues.
Time out – Could be outside the classroom, at playtime or to their buddy class. Chance to reflect on behaviour and to reset boundaries. Time out must be recorded on CPOMs.
Discussion – reparation meeting. Follow scripted approach on lanyards. Repair damage to trust between staff and learners. Reintegrate back into classroom.
SLT intervention – Member of SLT is called to intervene. Sanction must be recorded on CPOMs.
Head teacher intervention
Serious behaviour incidents reported straight to HT.
Restorative meeting with parents. Behaviour plan.
Pupils who spoke with inspectors said that they feel safe and that bullying is rare. They expressed confidently that, on the rare occasions when behaviour is not as good as it should be, adults will always resolve any difficulties. This was confirmed by a range of pupils throughout the inspection.
Our Anti-Bullying policy was formulated in consultation with the whole school community, with input from pupils, parents, governors and teachers. A copy can be downloaded from our Policies page. The policy spells out what constitutes bullying; who has responsibility for dealing with instances of bullying behaviour and how we can work with children to promote positive behaviour and discourage bullying behaviour.
We work collaboratively with all our pupils and parents to help them to understand the difference between bad behaviour and bullying. We agree with the following definition set out in 'Safe to Learn: embedding anti bullying work in schools' (2007):
'Behaviour by an individual or group usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally'
Key features of bullying:
Our school has clear and well publicized systems to report bullying for the whole school community (including staff, parents/carers, children and young people) this includes those who are the victims of bullying or have witnessed bullying behaviour (bystanders)
For our Children in school who experience bullying or feelings of being bullied they are encouraged to tell an adult so that they can report the issue to the head teacher and the matter can begin to be dealt with.
For our children who believe that they know of a bullying issue which is happening in school they are encouraged to tell an adult so that it may be investigated.
All parents can expect that incidents of bullying which involve their children will be reported to them either by telephone call, letter or a face to face meeting. This is true regardless of whether the child is the victim or aggressor. All parents can expect to be kept informed of the progress being made during the investigation including any further developments or when the matter is closed.
All staff and visitors to school can expect the full support from the Head Teacher / Anti bullying co-ordinator in dealing with matters relating to bullying accusations.
In all cases every child and adult who has any involvement in a bullying issue can expect to be listened to, treated fairly and kept safe.
As parents, we would urge you to be vigilent and speak to your child about bullying and the importance of seeking help.