Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School


Fundraising Events run by the Friends of Kimberley Primary School

We have a very active Friends group which meets a few times a year to plan events to raise money for the children in school.


Because of their efforts the children have or will have benefitted from the following:


£100 per class to support with the costs of external trips and visits

£1200 per year to pay for a class set of iPads to be used around school

£600 to pay for the coach costs for the whole school visit to the pantomime

£600 towards maths resources for each class

£300 to ensure every child receives a book at Christmas



To ensure that they can keep supporting the school, they work hard to think of new and innovative ideas to raise money that are fun and add value to the Kimberley Primary School community.


Events currently planned for the coming year are:

December 2021 - Christmas Disco - raised £100

December 2021 - Christmas Card Designs - raised TBC

December 2021 - Christmas Hamper Raffle - raised £784

January 2021 - Charity Discoathon 

June 2021 - Sponsored Colour Run

June 2021 - The Sale of Year 6 Hoodies and Leavers Books

July 2021 - Summer Fayre


Ongoing - Participation in The School Lottery  Click here to enter.

Non-uniform days - half termly - raises approximately £50 each time

Summer Term - Sale of ice lollies after school during the summer term


Refreshment sales at school events during the year


We are always looking for new ideas and parents to support us.  If you would like to join the group or can offer to help out at events, please contact us on


