Welcome to Kimberley Primary & Nursery School - where creativity, diversity and possibilities are at the heart of our curriculum.

Kimberley Primary School

Volunteering Opportunities


We welcome people who would like to help out in our school community and can usually find a role that makes the most of a person's skills and interests.


You are welcome to come and help out in school any time. We welcome parents, carers and the wider family. If you would like to help out in school, please let us know. We are grateful for all help whatever your commitment can be. We have parents who help with swimming (observers), reading spelling, craft, football, netball as well as accompanying children on visits.


If you decide that you are able to make a commitment to help out in school please let a member of staff know and we can begin the necessary Independent Safeguarding Authority checks.  


There are also two specific groups in school that you may consider joining to help support the school:


The Governing Body



This is made up of a range of representatives a number of which are parents. Being a governor enables you to get very involved in the life of the school; offer your ideas and support for school improvement; challenge the head teacher and the staff to drive school improvement and most importantly get to learn much more about the progress and attainment of our children. 


The Governing Body would be happy to tell you more.  You can contact them through the school office.


The Friends Group


This is another great way to get involved. It is a group of parents who work hard to raise funds for the children. During the year there are many different fund raising opportunities such as discos, sponsored events, raffles and fairs. The group organise and run these events with the help of other parents. The group then decide together with some children how the money should be spent. In recent years the group have funded the coach costs for  a pantomime visit to school, Christmas books, supported with costs for class visitors and trips, new lunchtime play equipment and a visit to school by the children's authors, Jane Clarke and Tom McLaughlin.



The Friends Group would be happy to tell you more.  You can contact them through the school office.
