Thanks to those parents and carers who completed our annual parent survey during October.
Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school. Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. OFSTED will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.
You can visit the ParentView site and give your feedback on our school now.
The Governing Body of Kimberley Primary School welcomes every opportunity for parents to give feedback and has produced the following user guide, showing you how to register and give feedback on the Parent View site.
We always welcome feedback and ideas from parents. If you have any comments on this website or any aspect of school life, we would love to hear them.
In addition, the Governing Body conduct an annual whole school survey of parents views as well as smaller class surveys that give governors more information about the experience of parents/children in particular key stages across school.
We will always take on board the feedback you give us. We may not always be able to please everyone, or put things right straight away, but every suggestion will be considered. If you have a good idea that helps us further improve any aspect of school life, or raise concerns that result in us taking action, then we'll let you know through our 'You said, we did' section of this website.
Please use the comments form below to share your thoughts and ideas with everybody.
If you are concerned about your child's learning or general welfare we will be pleased for you to contact us and we will do what we can to help. As a guide, where possible, speak to the class teacher or teaching assistant first. It is the teaching staff who have the most regular contact with your child. We would prefer to talk about any little problems before they become big ones. We cannot promise to keep everybody happy all of the time, but by working together and helping each other we can provide the very best education for your children while they are with us.
If, having spoken to your child's teacher, you are still concerned, you can request to speak with the Head Teacher. If you leave your details with the school office, or send an email, outlining your concerns, she will contact you as soon as she is able. If you are unhappy with the way in which your concerns are dealt with, you can make a complaint. Details of how to do this can be found in the complaints procedure on our Policies page.